We have seen this a million times over the internet so we figured we’d list it too, it’s a rather comprehensive guide. It seems to have been originally written by Michael Meadows at Marshall University. It’s hard to know if he is still even there?

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We’ve taken the opportunity to add to and modify this a bit to make it a bit more up to date.
The Rules of the WAVE
Owning, registering, insuring, or driving a Jeep implies knowledge of and intent to abide by the following rules. Failure to obey the rules may result in your being ignored by other Jeep owners as you sit along the side of the road next to your stalled vehicle in a blizzard surrounded by undiscernible SUVs and crossovers.
Definition: The Jeep Wave
An honor bestowed upon those drivers with the superior intelligence, taste, class, and discomfort tolerance to own the ultimate vehicle – the Jeep. Generally consists of either a raised hand waving or 4 fingers extended upward from the steering wheel, but may be modified to suit circumstances and locally accepted etiquette.
Examples of commonly accepted modifications:
- Top off: One handed wave above windshield or outside body tub.
- Top off during blizzard: Shiver and nod, hands may remain frozen to steering wheel.
- Southern/rural locations: No wave, just a nod.
It’s not what you buy, it’s what you build and what you do with it.
General Rules:
- All Jeepers are responsible for upholding the tradition of the Wave. It seems that generally the Jeep wave is only practiced by Jeep owners driving the following Jeep vehicles; CJ, YJ, TJ, JK, Gladiator, and JL. An easy rule is that Jeeps with removable tops qualify.
- All Jeepers are required to return the Wave even if it’s a Grand Cherokee, Compass or other Jeep.
Wave Ratio
Over a set period of time say 7 days, count the following. Number of Jeeps where a wave is possible, number of initiated by you waves, number of waves initiated by the other Jeeper, number of non-returned waves, number of dumb looks (person wondering if they know you) after the wave.
Glossary of Terms: These all assume that the wave was possible
- Your Wave – initiated or not (YW)
- Return Wave – initiated or not (RW)
- Non Return – (NR)
- Non Return with dumb look (NRDL)
- Your Wave Initiated – (YWI)
- Other Wave Initiated – (OWI)
Examples of the math:
- (RW/YW) X 100 = General return percentage ie: (64/84)X100=76%
- YW/Days = Average waves per day
- (NRDL/NR) X 100 = Dumb look percentage
There are several other ratios and percentages that can be figured. Remember when in doubt JUST WAVE!
A Beef
Please stop with the sticker of a hand waving on the mirror, this is just lazy. If waving is too much effort and you feel you need a sticker to do it you should reconsider your vehicle choice. Also, if you have ducks on your dash and don’t wave we question your reasons for not waving?