The Jeep transmission pages cover stock Jeep transmissions and transmission swaps in Jeep vehicles. Stock transmissions used in Jeeps from 1941 until 1999 are covered in detail. There are articles about various transmission swaps using both automatic and manual transmissions.

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Factory Transmissions : These pages cover the transmissions used in Jeeps over the years. Transmissions are arranged by the most recently introduced transmissions first.
Transmissions Conversions : One of the first thing may Jeepers want to do to their Jeep is swap in a new transmission. Jeep used some great transmissions and some not so great transmissions over the years. These pages cover the basic swaps you might look into for your Jeep.
Transmission Identification for other Makes : These pages cover how to identify transmissions of other makes that you might want to swap into your Jeep. Ford, Chevy, IH, and Dodge transmissions are covered.
How to Remove your Warn Overdrive: Every time I am about to remove a Warn Overdrive, I forget the procedure. I decided to just write it down, so I would have a reference.
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