The following images outline the frame dimensions on late model (76-86) CJ vehicles. These images can come in handy when attempting to straighten or customize a Jeep frame. Also see CJ-5 Frame Replacement.

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CJ-5 Frame
The late AMC era CJ-5 had an 83.5″ wheelbase and was available from 1976 until 1983. The small, compact size of the CJ-5 made it nimble on the trail. It was available in a several trim styles with a few engine choices but most notably the AMC 304 V8.

CJ-7 and Scrambler
The CJ-7 was a nice improvement to the CJ in 1976. The Jeep had a 93.5″ inch wheelbase which added just enough room to allow better comfort to the driver and some extra storage in the rear. The addition of an optional automatic transmission and factory fiberglass hard top made this Jeep so much more practical.

The Scrambler, or CJ-8 was essentially a CJ-7 with an extended rear cargo area. The 103.5″ wheelbase Scrambler was available from 1981 until 1986 and came in several trims. The Scrambler was never as much as a success as the CJ-7 this has led to a scarcity of this model Jeep in today’s world making their value increase dramatically.

[…] Re: JK frame with Classic body I would love to see something like this. The one thing you need to take in is the wheel base. 4 dr JK 116'' 2dr JK 95.4 YJ 93" TJ Unlimited 103.4" CJ 8 103.4" CJ 7 103.5" With you having a 2 dr. JK it would seem like a YJ would be the one to use. But with a a torch & welder anything will work. I wouldn't mind seeing a CJ8 on a TJ Rubi Unlimited. Jeep CJ-5, CJ-7, and CJ-8 Scrambler Frame Dimensions | […]