The factory tail lights on the 2004 TJ Unlimited were in rather degraded shape. 195K miles puts a lot of road time on them and the plastic was fading and becoming brittle. It was time for a replacement and an upgrade. LED lighting has become more popular than ever. The lights are often brighter and last much longer than a traditional bulb.

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We got our hands on a set of LED lights from Quadratec. These LED replacements are a direct fit with a factory look. In addition to the lights the kit includes a new flasher module that is designed to work with the LEDs.

Installation is rather simple and really only requires simple tools. Start with unplugging the light inside the rear wheel well, removing the lens, then removing the bolts that hold the base to the body.
remove the lens screws remove the lens unbolt the light remove the light
With the lights removed install the new light. The Quadratec lights use lenses that are wired to the light housing. Carefully support the lens while installing the bolts. After the housing is secure reinstall the lens.
install the housing reattach the lens complete
The LED lights don’t provide the proper power draw to operate the factory light flasher located in the top of the steering column. This kit includes a flasher designed to work with the LED. Installing the flasher requires removal of two screws from the plastic bezel that surrounds the steering column. Remove the two surround pieces and locate the flasher. Gently remove the flasher and install the new one. Reassemble the surround.
surround screws bezel removal factory flasher install the new flasher flasher installed
With everything back together test all of the operation. The new lights are much brighter, especially the reverse lights.

These lights are available as a stand alone kit from Quadratec