Continuing from Page 1 we are about to remove the rear coil springs and proceed forward with the install.

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Remove the coil springs. Depending on how low the axle is lowered you may need to use a pry bar to get the spring over the lower perch.

The Mopar lift uses different springs on each side, make sure you follow the directions to install the correct spring on the proper side. Insert the top of the spring first and using a pry bar work the spring on to the lower perch.

With the springs installed install the bump stops and and the upper side of the shocks. Raise the axle to allow the lower side of the shocks to be installed. Using the jack to line up the shock is much easier then trying to compress the shock by hand. With the shocks installed raise the axle to support the weight of the Jeep and complete the installation of the sway bar links. Reconnect the locker wiring and breather tube. Install the rear inner fender splash guards.
With the wheels on and the Jeep on the ground use a helper to move the Jeep side to side to allow the lower rear track bar to line up. Install and tighten the bolt to spec. Check all the fasteners and tighten to specs, inspect lines and hoses to make sure there is no binding. At this point the rear is complete and the front is next.
Front Installation
The front is a bit more complex but not really more difficult. With the front of the Jeep supported properly begin by removing the upper track bar bolt. Remove the shocks and the brake line bracket from the lower control arms. Remove the axle breather tube and the locker wiring plug if equipped. Remove the sway bar links.