Continuing on from page 1 you would be at the point of having all the padding, covering and door surrounds out of the way. Following the supplied directions the installation starts with the front section, door uprights and dash cross bar.

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Don’t tighten up anything until everything is installed. We used a small piece of wood to support the rear part of the front center section. With the upper bar in you can install the upright bars. Removing the side section of the dash and the speakers allows access to the dash bolts from behind. Follow the directions!
With the dash unbolted see how the upright fits. It was necessary to trim the upper area to allow the upright to fit properly.
You may need to leave these parts a bit loose to fit the dash cross bar in place. It should slide in place, thread in the bolts and gently tighten up the cross bar and the dash parts. Reassemble the speakers and dash parts.