When the jeepfan.com 2004 TJ Unlimited was added to our fleet it came with a top. The top was probably original and was in real bad shape. There were strange spirals in the top that are a mystery. Was it an insect or something that laid on it from a tree? it’s really hard to know but it’s kinda gross. That top was removed from the Jeep the day it arrived here and never went on again…until now.

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Since this Jeep doesn’t see bad weather regularly we chose the Rugged Ridge Montana replacement soft top with tinted windows we picked up from Quadratec.
This top is an inexpensive replacement top that reuses all of the factory hardware. It’s a bit thinner of material than the factory top, including the windows. If you need a stronger top check out the XHD top from Rugged Ridge. Like was stated earlier our Jeep didn’t need a heavy duty top and this model will do perfectly.
The original top was installed to properly locate and position all the hardware. The top was then removed from the hardware by removing the screws and velcro from the bows.
With the old top off and in the garbage the new top was laid out over the hardware. We started installation of the top at the front windshield rail. Once those screws are in position the top in the closed position and install the screws into the bows as well as the velcro areas.
From here it moves on pretty quick. With the rear corners in the grooves install the side windows working the plastic into the grooves around the plastic door surrounds. From here install the top into the grooves above the door area. Lastly install the rear window with the lower channel.
Total installation time was about an hour. Letting the top sit in the sun allowed it to relax. This is a real nice top for your Jeep and maintains a near identical look to the factory one.
Most Jeepers know the cozy feeling of the Jeep after the top has been put up after some time off. It was real nice to drive on a super hot summer day with the AC on. It will be nice to finally have some heat too.