Our new Wrangler 4xe has factory wheels but those wheels are just as prone to being stolen as aftermarket, perhaps even more so since demand for factory wheels is somewhat higher. A simple solution to reduce the chances of your wheels walking off is adding a set of wheel locks.

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We’ve covered this before on our past Jeeps but this time we chose to use a set from Gorilla, which we picked up from Quadratec.

This is a simple job and can be done with jacking up the Jeep. Using a 22mm socket and a bar remove a nut from the Jeep. Replace the nut with a Gorilla wheel lock and tighten, then torque to spec. Keep the wheel lock in the Jeep in case you need to change a wheel when out and about.
The spare is probably the easiest target since it’s just hanging there so don’t forget to get a set of 5.