Owners of CJ, YJ, and Wrangler Jeeps know that space is at a premium. Even the four door JK is a bit limited. Right Channel Radios, a CB Radio and Antenna Shop, offers two Jeep CB Kits assembled for Jeep owners that can make the most of the limited space.

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The radio we chose for the jeepfan.com 1978 CJ-5 was the Cobra 75 WX. The big difference that separates this CB from the rest is that almost everything is integrated into the handset, channel controls, volume, squelch, and other goodies. There is a small part that mounts in an inconspicuous location that the handset, antenna, and power supply attach to. There is provision to attach an external speaker to help increase the sound clarity in a noisy Jeep.
More detail on the Cobra 75 WX
Cobra 75 WX Review
The Kit
The Right Channel Radios kit contains:
Cobra 75 WX CB
3′ or 4′ Wilson FLEX Antenna
3 Mounting Options: 3-Way Vertical Surface & Mirror Kit or Jeep Wrangler Hood Kit or Universal Hood & Channel Kit
Compact External Speaker
Standard SWR Meter and Jumper Cable
Normally this kit would be perfect for most Jeeps but since we like to do things the hard way we made a few changes to how we put our system together. The jeepfan.com CJ has a fiberglass body which doesn’t provide the needed ground plane to allow most antennas work to their potential. We chose a Firestik No-Ground-Plane antenna to better suit the Jeeps characteristics.
CB Radio Ground Plane Tech – Installation of the Firestik NGP Antenna
CB Installation
We found a good spot under the dash of the Jeep to install the base of the CB. This unit supplies power to the CB and allows for the attachment of an external speaker and antenna. The base was attached to the Jeeps 12V electrical system on a non-ignition switched circuit so the CB will operate even with the Jeep off.
![]() base installed under the Jeep’s dash |
![]() external speaker |
An external speaker was installed in the oem radio speaker location. The 75 WX has a small speaker in the handset which can be difficult to hear in a topless Jeep.
The beauty of the Cobra 75 WX is the quick removal ability. After the base is installed and wired up the CB can be installed and removed by simply loosening the connector screw and unplugging the whole unit.
![]() connector plug |
![]() CB removed |
When the CB is removed all that is left is the small pigtail that extends from the base.
See our Cobra 75 WX Review