Adding some side armor to Christine’s JK

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After dragging her Sahara’s steps over the rocks at Rausch Creek Off Road park Christine decided an upgrade was needed to prevent expensive body damage to her 2007 JK.
She didn’t want to lose ground clearance but at the same time not completely lose the step to help get in the Jeep.
After searching the growing line of products available for the new JK. The Mopar guards fit the bill. She chose the Rubicon style rock rails with the added tubular bar.
The Mopar guards are a bolt on installation to a JK and will bolt on using the same hardware as the factory steps.
First we needed to remove the old steps. Remove the 3 large bolts and 6 small nuts.
Place the rock rail in the holes and thread on a few nuts to keep it from falling off. Install the 3 large bolts but do not tighten. Install the remaining nuts and tighten followed by tightening the large bolts.
Honestly, installing these rock rails was a snap. An average person could probably install these in 30 minutes to an hour. The small pleasure of working on a Jeep that is not completely rusted.
The rails look good an will provide considerable more protection than the factory steps. Some skateboard anti-skid tape may be added to the bars to help prevent slipping off when using them as a step.