This home grown hard top storage solution by Shawn (RedRockJK) Ayres is an inexpensive and effective way of storing your 4 door Jeep’s hard top. We added a bit to his great idea along the way.

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Shawn used a pair of hangers he purchased from his local home depot, a 2X4, some foam, and a comforter.
Choose heavy duty style hangers and check to see that they can support around 100 lbs.
Measuring 48 inches from the ceiling attach the hangers to the wall using lag bolts at least 3″ long. Be sure to locate studs…measuring 80 inches from the first stud should give you the location of the next stud.
Shawn used a 2X4 but we prefer a 2X6 or 2X8 if your hangers are large enough. Cut the wood at an 8 foot length.
Placing the top on the hangers will require at least 3 people.
Remove the hard top from the jeep and rotate it so the back window is up. Position the top in-between the hangers and have the extra person place the wood on the hangers and lower the top in place. Put some sort of padding material on top of the wood to prevent damage to the top.
Shawn used a comforter to cover the top.
The wood can serve as a nice shelf for the freedom top panels at the same time.
Thanks for the great ideas Shawn.