This is
a way cool product that is a great addition to your
Jeep's trail gear and/or camping gear. This
small charcoal hibachi is small and packs up easily
and cleanly.
How it works
Open the hibachi and
fold the handles under to become legs. Put
some charcoal into the two side trays and a few more
briquettes into the center tray. Place a small
amount of paper into the center tray.

Fold the BBQ closed,
open the lower tray slightly and ignite the paper.

In about 7 minutes
the coals will be ready to start cooking.
Carefully open the BBQ and get cooking.

Son of
Hibachi features more than 170 square inches of
cooking surface
When you are finished
cooking fold up the hibachi hot and pack it away
inside the Snuff Out Pouch. The pouch will
take care of the fire.

images and accessories

breakfast griddle

battery powered
rotisserie |