Jeep Wrangler JK Engine Swap Choices
From a reader, a question about swapping a higher horsepower engine in place of the 07-11 Wrangler 3.8L Engine.
From a reader, a question about swapping a higher horsepower engine in place of the 07-11 Wrangler 3.8L Engine.
Jeff Daniels is holding their annual Jeep show and swap meet on September 29, 2012 at their facility in Harleysville, PA.
This year’s Truckfest was a huge success and the crowd seemed to be bigger than ever. The weather was perfect..65 degrees and mostly sunny. There were trucks, Jeeps, and other 4×4 vehicles packed into every nook and cranny of OK’s property.
October 5th thru the 7th, OK4WD and New Jersey Jeep Association will be heading up to Hancock, NY for a family-friendly weekend of camping and casual trail riding on over 20 miles of trails located on privately owned land in beautiful upstate New York. This event will be open to 125 vehicles and will offer …
One of the most popular places at the PA Jeeps show is their obstacle course and RTI ramp. Both of these give Jeep owners the ability to play and test their Jeep’s offroad worthiness and their driving skill.
Enjoy the pictures from around the show.
Well another great show for the 17th year in a row. The weather was rather pleasant, overcast and cool. After a day of Friday rain that cooled off the area the overcast skies kept the temperature cool and prevented us from all getting a sunburn.
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For the 17th year in a row the PA Jeeps is hosting their All-Breeds Jeep show at the York Fairgrounds in Work, PA. On July 21 & 22, 2012 York PA oozes Jeeps of all kinds and they all end up at the fairgrounds to bring a show full of what we love best.
Chrysler Group is recalling about 68,000 2010 Jeep Wrangers in the U.S. for a problem that has lead to fires in some cases.