This started out to be a visit to Paragon to check out a little used section of the property and turned out to be a challenging and enjoyable day.

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We met in the morning at the blue vomit and got underway to the trail-head. There we prepared our vehicles (disconnect sway bars, hubs, air-down, etc..) and set out. The beginning was mostly a dirt road with a few puddles, but we soon arrived at an off-camber rock ledge.
We all made without incident, Chris was hoping to try his new tree sliders (sorry). I was pretty excited about this trip because I just finished installing a T-18 into my CJ and wanted to test it out. Needless to say by first somewhat difficult spot I was able to creep down with control and finesse I quickly discovered the advantage of lower gears. The rest of the day was full of new discoveries and challenges. I smacked a fender on a rock in the water, luckily the fiberglass fender bent in and popped back out and I only suffered some chipped paint.
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