Jeff Daniel’s 8th Annual Jeep Show, September 17, 2011 held at Jeff Daniel’s Jeep Customizing in Harleysville, PA.

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This year’s Jeep show was full of Jeeps and fun as usual. In a different fashion Jeff Daniels allowed non-show Jeeps to park on the grounds along with the show Jeeps, this allowed everyone to show off their stuff. Very nice move if you ask us.
The weather wasn’t the most friendly again this year. Seems to be a common thing for this show, gotta love eastern PA fall weather instability. Anyway the Jeep people came and endured a brief rain shower followed by some sunshine. The bbq pit smelled awesome along with the rest of the food being served by local vendors.
In an effort to mix things up show Jeeps were parked as they came in to mix up the Jeep breeds and make sure everyone saw everything. Enjoy the pictures.