Page 2. Rain? Oh No!…But NOT. For the past several years a small Jeep shop in eastern PA has been hosting a Jeep show that just seems to keep growing and growing.

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The day started out slightly overcast, muggy, and warm. The show started at 1pm so who cares, right. They day will get better. Next thing it’s pouring cats and dogs. We get to reminiscing of last years show and the rainy weather that came with it. Eastern PA has been in need of some rain but not today.
As usual the Jeff Daniel’s staff had the main roads leading to their show marked with arrows.
The Jeff Daniel’s staff was very efficient at getting everyone where they needed to be. Check-in went smoothly and everyone got their picture taken.
Since the Jeeps are arranged by classes the JK was parked with the rest of the 2007 Wranglers and Wrangler Unlimiteds. After some short conversations with fellow JK owners we got down to business…looking at everyone’s stuff.
Throughout the day there was music performed by a local band Los Manatees.
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All around the Jeff Daniel’s grounds there were rows of Jeeps. If there wasn’t Jeeps there was probably something good to eat or something to buy.
The Blues Street barbecue was serving some incredible pulled pork sandwiches and chicken fingers.
Views from around the show…
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