Jeff Daniels is holding their annual Jeep show and swap meet on September 29, 2012 at their facility in Harleysville, PA.

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This year’s show will be held from 10am until 5pm.
All Jeeps are welcome at Jeff Daniels 9th Annual Jeep Show; off road, on road, old, new, rusty, shiny, all models; it doesn’t matter what type of Jeep you have just get it down there September 29th!
Every Jeep will be parked on Jeff Daniels property, whether you are ‘showing’ it or not. There will be trophies, raffles, off road demos and more! Show Jeep $10, parking $5, swap meet $15-$25.
The show was a success this year. The weather was overcast but there was no rain and the temperatures were in the upper 60’s.
For the first time the obstacle course was open to show participants. The Rausch Creek demo did a good job of tearing up the course to make is extra slick for the participants.
Pictures from the show..