With all of the brackets installed tighten the bolts and proceed to the installation of the tire carrier. It’s likely that it will be necessary to reroute some of the wiring within the carrier to allow the carrier to be installed higher. Removing the cover from the tail light assembly allows access to the wire. Simply rerouting its path allows the extra length needed.

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We installed the extra spacers then installed the carrier. Tighten down all the bolts. This is also a good time to adjust the height of the third brake light. Removing the four screws and pulling up the brake light mount will give the extra height to clear a 37″ tire. You will only use the bottom screw hole in the brake light mount.

With the carrier installed things are ready to be wrapped up. Verify the tire clears the bumper. Cut the tire bumpers to fit snug, these will prevent the tire from wobbling and putting stress on the assembly. Adjust the tailgate with the weight of the tire to allow smooth latch operation.

Wrapping it up. Install the tire, camera cover, and the Jeep Performance emblem. Make sure the tail gate operates smoothly and enjoy your Jeep’s new modification.