QUESTION: I am looking at purchasing a JK rubicon and doing the same Teraflex 2.5″ BB and Toyo tire swap. With this, how did it impact your gas mileage. Should I expect a mile or two less per gallon or the same that I am getting now. Also do I need to purchase a computer recalculator? Chuck

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ANSWER: We didn’t notice much difference in gas mileage since the tire size percentage change is so small. The JK Rubicon is equipped with 32″ tires from Jeep and the Toyo’s we used measure out to about 34″. One thing to consider is the Rubicon is equipped with 4.10 gears. Most other JK models have higher ratios which will affect gas mileage more with an increase in tire size. Regarding the should not need any changes to the computer with the tire size increase.