QUESTION: Do you guys know of anyone that makes custom hard tops for 1974 CJ-5? Chris Smith

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ANSWER: Not anymore. The CJ-5 has been out of production since 82 and manufacturers can’t justify producing them anymore. The CJ-5 model has been fading (or rusting) more and more every year. Your best bet is keep an eye on swap meets, eBay, and anywhere else you can find old parts.
Keep in mind that that 72-75 CJ-5 uses a different top than a 76-82. Most fiberglass hard tops were made for the 76-82. By the way you can use a later top if you swap out the windshield.
Update 2016: does make hard tops for all CJ-5 models. They aren’t cheap but will fit.
Cj5 hard top I ordered one for my cj5 and the fit was pretty good witha few ajustments it works good heater and defrost work better.